We Connect Your Patients with Whole-Person Support

Explore Our Programs

Our free, comprehensive programs help your patients deal with stress, explore their feelings, and link them to invaluable relationships and resources.

Let Us Help Your Patients

Keep up with weekly 1-time events by subscribing to our once a week email blast, have our quarterly calendar delivered via email or directly to your office for distribution to your patients, or have us deliver tear-off sheets with information.

We know What Complements the Care You Provide

We have worked with Medical professionals since 2005.

Smiling doctor shaking hands with patient
Two people supporting each other

From people to people

Anyone you refer will be contacted directly by program staff, not an automated system with “options”.

Hand holding heart icon

We’re here to support you

We provide the necessary support and encouragement for newcomers to feel comfortable exploring our community.

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Free programs for all

Our programs are open to people at all stages of the journey through cancer and are provided at no cost to participants. We serve a diverse population from all parts of the greater Washington region.

Get to Know More About Hope Connections

Want to talk further or invite us to educate your staff?

Share Your Expertise with Our Community

Share your expertise by presenting a program at one of the 36 educational programs offered each year.