Jim Bortz
Jim was an owner of Elman Labels, Inc. before merging his company into S Freedman & Sons in 2011. He has a deep understanding of budgets and how to work with others. Working with people of any age and his ability to communicate is a strong suit. Jim is a Stage 3 survivor of Colon Cancer. He understands what cancer patients are going through and wants to help. Hope Connections the perfect opportunity to work with those battling this horrible disease in a meaningful way.
Jim is a native Washingtonian. He and his wife, Mary Jayne, have been married for 41 years. They have two children (actually adults) that are married and reside here in the Metro area.
Jim recently retired from full-time work and has the time to participate on the Board. Presently, he serves on the Board of his neighborhood HOA in Fallsgrove and serves on the Architectural Review Board for his neighborhood as well.